Loose Connection

Ghost Hunt Nation - Halloween 2023

October 31, 2023 Chris Leonard & Kyle Chirnside

Some experiences are unexplainable. Have you had something happen that has had you question or think there is something out there? We have said from the beginning of Loose Connection, that there is some truth to every conspiracy. In this episode, for Halloween 2023, I reached out to Marisa and Mike Johnson of Ghost Hunt Nation, to see if the truth is out there.

Mike is the scientific investigator and Marisa is a Medium. This way they can use different methods to check and balance what is unexplainable and what is. We will hear about their personal experiences with the supernatural, and the emotions that accompany the confirmation of the actual paranormal.

Prepare to question your own beliefs as we try to unlock the paranormal world. Are you ready to pull back the veil? Let's step into the unknown together.

Learn more about Ghost Hunt Nation here  https://ghosthuntnation.com/

The Loose Connection podcast is Hosted by Chris Leonard & Kyle Chirnside
email us at looseconnectionpod@gmail.com

The Loose Connection podcast is Hosted by Chris Leonard & Kyle Chirnside

email us at looseconnectionpod@gmail.com

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Speaker 1:

Oh, hello, loose Connection. My name is Father Kyle Chernside and this is the Halloween episode. You would take your book and kindly turn to Luke, chapter 4, 39. It says See my hands and my feet, that is myself. Touch me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see that I have. And if you turn to Matthew, chapter 24, verses 52 through 53, it says Listen, I love Halloween, I love this time of year. I wanted to do something super different and I went and found paranormal investigators. My friends Mike and Marissa from Ghost Hunt Nation are joining us tonight on the podcast and we're going to talk about the paranormal investigation world, how they started, how it got to where it was. Hopefully I'm asking different questions that they're not used to getting asked, because just an audio guy doing a new podcast with my friend Chris he's here in spirit. Let's go. Loose Connection, halloween 2023, the year of our Lord. Enjoy tonight and may your soul repent on all souls day tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

Wherever she may be.

Speaker 1:

I know you've been doing this for a while and I think that's kind of what intrigued me the most were the two like polar opposite things that you said is like you've been doing this since you were 16. And then, like you love deep bunking this stuff, like you more or less don't believe as much in it, but you're trying to prove something like tell me a story, dude. For real, this is like this is how this stuff begins. Yeah that's.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that's how we got into it. We had weird. You know, I had some weird things as a kid, like in the cemetery For one. We're just sitting there at night, me and a buddy, just kind of bullshit and shooting the shit just to see if we'd see anything like one am and this is in the middle of nowhere, like we're both super rural like we grew up, where there is no neighbors, you know it's like miles down the road and it's the same everywhere, so we're this old as cemetery.

Speaker 2:

One am middle of nowhere and there's like a bright flash of light that shoots from one mirror to the other, like in the back of the car. You know it's just me and my buddy out there, so we got the fuck out of there immediately. On the way back you have to cross these train tracks, which again the train tracks kind of got their old filled. Well, no, nowhere, and it's dark, kind of foggy. So when the the crossing markers started coming down and kind of lift the windows up and you can see hand prints on the both back windows of the car, like it's almost like something ran their fingers down the side of the window.

Speaker 1:

And I'm sure it's like every. It's like the big fish door. You try to tell this to anybody and like you and your buddy saw that, I have a similar experience with my friend driving around one night and no one believes you like. So is that? What kind of got you guys to believe me? Or I got to feel this again, or how did that?

Speaker 3:

go. Yeah, I mean, it started with how do you explain this? You know that that's kind of where my interest falls the most, I think, is how you explain this. Is we backtrack all of these different experiences that you've had and nobody can explain it. So it's been like, okay, let's go a step further Now, let's get some equipment and let's you know, see, it will knock something over, or whatever. You know. I mean, that's that's usually. I don't know that's what gets me excited. But then there's the whole other and there's the whole other side of it to where I can talk about audio.

Speaker 1:

I can hear it yeah, and it's great.

Speaker 3:

It's like how do you believe that? So I start, you know, I did a lot of testing out of just am I crazy, you know? Am I losing my mind? And things just kind of fall together. And now people that even people that I work with, they were completely skeptic until now they're, you know, like one lady.

Speaker 3:

She's been on you on investigation with us and that was completely out of her element. She's like I think it's kind of strange, you know that you can, you know, say these, say these things, or whatever, and I'm like, I'm okay, you know like a super Southern Christian lady saying yeah, yeah oh yeah, oh yeah it's completely like you have a great yeah, and she was like

Speaker 1:

you have a great story because you're also a medium, so you don't need certain electronics to help you kind of feel what's going on. And that's the first part. Like are you kidding me? You see stuff. The first thing people say is you're crazy and you're you're. You're your man on the phone when we were talking. It was really cool because he said because of that you suppressed it and you didn't really start working it until you felt comfortable with it. Like how do you explain it now?

Speaker 3:

I guess because I've gotten so comfortable, you know, without going into like a whole, like I don't know spiritual series, if you will, I guess the I'm super comfortable enough to where I can write something down that I hear you should tell him that story.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so there's a story.

Speaker 3:

There's a story behind that one that really, like that, sealed it for a lot of people. We were at Octagon Hall and I got there first, actually because he had to go pick up a bunch of dinner and stuff for our guests. So I was there to set enough equipment stuff. I was in there by myself and I heard you know a name and I heard it multiple times and of course I get different feelings and like an impact. You, you feel stuff pretty heavy.

Speaker 3:

So we all sit down at the dinner table, you know, before we start the investigation and kind of go over the rules and things like that. And so I just told everybody at the table I was like pay attention to the names that you hear, you know. Without trying to prompt anybody, I didn't tell anybody why, I just said just saw that the end of the night, you know, we can kind of compare notes and see if anything comes about it. And I said I'm going to write a name down on a piece of paper and you know, just will all kind of reconvene at the end of the night. So I wrote a name down and everybody watched me write it.

Speaker 2:

They just didn't see what name I wrote and we were all like everybody there was sitting at the dinner table like we were eating before the hunt yeah, we kind of like break bread and we were all seriously there at the same time in that room.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and they will watch me write it on this blank paper. I closed the notebook, stuck it inside of my backpack, and I'm in front of cameras too, so that way there's no, you know, there's no question whatsoever. And within I would say, what an hour. It was an hour. I started to really really sense like, oh okay, we are not, we're not dealing with this typical entities that we've dealt with in the past in this place. It was a lot more intense and, as everybody's kind of settling in this one room is called the gals room, they just got really, really hot and then, on someone else's device, this name comes across and they just set it right up like on an ovulus or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's an ovulus, but it's an app like a. I can't remember which app it is I want to. I don't think it was necrophonic.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, one of one of those, and so when that happened, I was like but this was a guest of ours. Yeah, this is a. I mean, these are people who bought tickets to come it wasn't like anybody with us or anything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the random device at a random time, yeah says this name that she wrote on a piece of paper hour and a half ago.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So I run downstairs and again I'm on camera, you know. So I get the notebook out and bring it back upstairs and turn my flashlight on and I was like does everybody see this? And they were all like what the hell just happened?

Speaker 2:

We've got audio like we should have put it out, but the guy's phone that came out of like he turns white as a ghost and he's like there's no fucking way you can get that up like there's no, you know, there's no fake.

Speaker 1:

The first time in in the history that a man totally believed his wife. Totally believe, you know, whatever you say. Besides, when she brings you all holy cow, yeah, true, true Christmas, the holidays are coming up, so I can understand that trickery as well.

Speaker 2:

I'm not the last wallet that I've been looking for for three hours and she just walks in.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know that was that was so. That was one occurrence, but there's a couple more. But go ahead. What were you about to say? I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna talk on the spirituality bit about it, and this is what's really odd is because throughout history of the paranormal investigations, exorcisms, things of that sort, there's always been this link to Christianity and I always wonder why, like these spirit, people can't go in and get rid of the thing and then all of a sudden they're calling a priest like it. Is there something in those books that's different than what People who get paranormal or energies out of your house or how? I don't even know how to explain it or how it works, but like there's always the priest that shows up with the holy water and the only way to Evacuate that thing seems to be like Christianity.

Speaker 1:

So Well it seems an odd connection.

Speaker 3:

Well, there it. It does kind of play a role in what you believe, you know, and a lot of devout Christians. They believe that, you know, power of Christ compiles whatever it is in their house to leave and, if that's their belief, that their immediate person To call is a priest, you know, a holy man. But then sometimes, when that doesn't work, they usually find themselves the Medium or they'll find someone who deals directly with the paranormal. I've had a lot of people call Tim, just because I'll tell them, you know, I'm not an exorcist, I don't, I can't get rid of it, but I can tell you.

Speaker 2:

And we don't even advertise. Yeah, we don't advertise it.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I had a lady, I really pull up to our house the other day and asked me to come to her friend's house to do that, and I was like, okay, you know like I'll try so.

Speaker 1:

So on this on the scientific side of it, though, when we're talking about the electricity and the devices that we use to communicate with them, is there a scientific reason to get rid of like these weird energies? Because, like I've seen the multi meters jump and stuff like that it doesn't happen. But there's places, like in Arizona, you can go to where the the tweeze trees are twisted and stuff, and it'll read on those meters as well. So there's got to be a bit of a science to the spirituality as well, and do you guys see that with your devices? I?

Speaker 1:

mean yeah, that's what's super interesting to me.

Speaker 2:

There's a long-standing, you know like theories of limestone and you know water running on your limestone that does the same thing. It like, even if it's not the limestone emitting the energy. It's like a Magnet for the energy. So it kind of stays there, you know.

Speaker 2:

So it may not be the limestone Doing anything other than holding the energy there, and that's the kind of where me and her fall. She's more the spiritual on more of the scientific. You know, I May not always feel it, that night I felt it. That's probably the first time I've ever been ran out of a place and like and you see, you know, like Baggins and stuff like that, that happens every episode. But that's another thing where I think until it happens to you you kind of think it's fake, you know, but that's things like that can happen, like those Energy can affect your physical being. I think so.

Speaker 1:

So then both of you guys have felt that feeling again, like it's, it's now repeated to you guys where you're, like, I saw the handprints on my window, I saw the flash, I wrote this name down. You felt that energy and been able to like co-relate that, to do the investigations now, right, so you can tell when, ah yeah, the meters aren't reading the way they should. This is bullshit. And and then, oh, it's cool that you're on the other side of it, to the spiritual side, and you can kind of verify or deny as well. You know different kind of things, man, super intriguing, like I.

Speaker 1:

I know this fear you talk about this weird, like fear. So when I was a little kid, was sleeping at my grandma's house, I woke up in the middle night and there was a man sitting on the end of the bed. We're in a hat and the fear that I felt then as a little kid when I pulled the sheets over my head. I Felt that again when I was out with my friend one time and we were driving real late at night and there was a car accident where one of our high school buddies had passed away and, like we, we drove through him and I felt that same fear again, like it was. It was really Almost undescribable. So you guys must like hone those things to kind of lead you and guide you through these Investigations for sure right.

Speaker 2:

I mean, for the most part I'm not trying to sound like a hard ass or anything, but I don't get like it's like you said, it's like a Natural, like fear thing. It's not like you're like terrified, you know you're not gonna run out the room, you see it, it's just like it's that hair standing up on the back of your neck, you know. It's like you're building any MF detector, right.

Speaker 1:

So that's gonna make God, this for sure, heard more than me where she she hears it instead of necessarily sees it, or and and I like both of your guys's approach to doing the hunts as well just from going through your website and stuff like the smaller groups, less contamination, and I Notice the region that you do it in has to be like Super energized because it's Old Native American land.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Confederate it's, it's Union Army stuff, it's Great Depression era stuff. Like Does that add to the energy of the land? Because you see a lot of these, these shows, and like you guys are gonna do in Bobby Masses and like I thought that was great because that was Zach's first episode with Ghost of Interest, was Bobby Matt Masses music world and, um, some of that stuff is just like it's unbelievable.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I want to feel that again, like it's got to be like almost an adrenaline thing that fear has to be. I want to be able to find this again. And when you do these hunts, you record everything and go back through all your material. You sent me a couple to listen to and watch before this. I'll definitely link them here. But you love debunking stuff. Yeah, how do you go about doing that scientifically? Because there is no books about this. Like, oh, here's how you debunk a thing. So how do you know if this is an orb or some dust, or it's someone moving in the background? Or what's your favorite thing to debunk?

Speaker 2:

I think orbs are always fun to debunk because it's 99% bullshit. I mean, I don't know that I've ever seen an orb where I'm just like, wow, you know, this place is haunted. It's just like, well, there's a piece of dust floating, you know.

Speaker 3:

But they're very, they're very tricky and I mean I don't think I've ever even encountered one enough to be able to say, oh wow, look at that orb Immediately get excited and would review the footage back. But Wheatlands, that's a perfect example. I'm standing in the room facing one of the DVR cameras and there's just, it's all over, it's all around me. Well, I mean it's, you can dial into it as far as you want to. You know, you can zoom in, you can play it back, you know, frame by frame, and it's dust, but it gets exciting, you know, and I think that's why people like what's on orb, did you, you know? Because those are so incredibly rare to see, and especially if you see them all the time. Well, that, I mean that's something to explore, definitely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think. In short, I like to answer your question. I think keep an open mind. Like you gotta not look for reasons of places haunted more as you're looking for reasons it's not. I mean, it's the same. I kind of stole that from ghost hunters like Jay and Grant, but that's what got me into this is that attitude. I think if every one of those shows would have been fakey and they found something every episode, it would have never like drawn me to it, you know so yeah, and they have to do that for listens and stuff.

Speaker 1:

But it's so cool to have a format now like YouTube and TikTok and all these social media things that like keep the people that are doing it for a passion still there, you know, and those well, who's it? Nick, the guy on like the original episodes or whatever. When he split off he kind of talked smack about him and it lost credibility for sure. But there's something to it, because this ghost hunting or paranormal investigating has been going on since the dawn of time and it's almost like UFOs. It's finally gonna come out one of these days that oh, this shit's real and they're gonna kind of explain it to us or whatever. But I love that you guys go out to these places and just listen.

Speaker 1:

Like the voice phenomenon thing is the most impressive to me, because you can't fake that. You really can't. Like I don't know how you can fake it Now apparitions and orbs and everything like that. You can kind of go through and be like, oh, this is fake and AI is great now. So we're gonna have a lot of things that we're not gonna be able to explain, that are computer generated.

Speaker 1:

So, where do you stand on that? That's a good time to be. A medium is like you could be like. Oh, this is John.

Speaker 3:

Well, that kind of. You know, we use each other a lot. And this kind of goes back to your first or your last question too is we use each other a lot in the world of a checks and balance kind of thing. He's the tech side and I'm the spiritual side, and we both. I don't know like I can say, hey, this is definitely feeling some kind of way over here and he can bring an EMF detector and say, yeah, no, it's not a real debunk in that sense, or vise versa, but like, with his tech skills and his scientific side, you know, it's the checks and balances that allow us to be able to determine yeah, this is what it is, you know, because I'll either hear it, I mean, and sometimes I can touch certain objects too. You know, you can't really fake that either. I can touch something and then nine times I attend, it'll come through one of those other devices. So I mean, in the world of AI, I don't know that I can even speak to that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I like AI, I'm tech guy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's a tech guy. He likes it. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I do too. I think it's gonna be used for a lot of bad things, but they kind of set themselves up for it. Chris and I have talked about that on a couple of podcasts, where we're like, oh, it's so good and it's so awesome. And then we're like, oh, no, this could be really bad, yeah, um, um. So do you guys still, do you even like shut it off? Or do you guys kind of do this stuff? You're like, hey, let's go down to this place and see what we could find, and it's just like you two doing the things still like back in the day.

Speaker 3:

Oh we totally do, or do you really?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, we do. I actually drug him to a house. About two weeks ago I was like somebody said that they're feeling some type of way in here and he's like, oh, come on. He's like, well, all right, let's go really quick. So we dig, because it's this house that doesn't have power or anything. And yeah, and I'm all the time, all the time, gonna stop at the cemetery for a second on our way to, you know, go get groceries. Yeah, so we do do things by ourselves sometimes. Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 1:

There's always so many different beliefs in that too. Like I've heard about the cemetery thing where souls don't hang out at the cemetery but there is so much like rare footage of old stuff that that's where they captured it at the first. You know, it seemed like when we first started captured videos back in the maybe even 50s, 60s or whatever. It always seemed like cemeteries were a hotbed. So what's your take on that? Like, do you guys go to a cemetery that has like a jaded past or like some weird stuff went on there, or it's a war burial place or whatever?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean head for the creepy one, like I said, that kind of got me into it and I've been to tons of cemeteries. I mean, you know, once you see something in the cemetery, like that's where you want to be Right, that's where you think you're going to see it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

To me that's like the least hot spot of it, like we hardly ever catch anything, you know any time.

Speaker 3:

It's rare, if you do, because I think everybody thinks like the person that's buried, like they're just chilling on their tombstone all day waiting for somebody to come by, and I can't say that I've ever seen anything like that and not saying it doesn't happen. Yeah, like not saying it doesn't happen.

Speaker 2:

Every cemetery, like they got the gravity hill, or you can go park your car and the car rolls uphill, or and I personally debunked some of those things like you knock on the tomb and it knocked back. You know it's usually just a piece of granite that's just going between the cracks, so like.

Speaker 1:

I love the. I love those old tales though Every city has them and they're great Zombie Road and the House of the Bubbleheads or whatever you got. Like it's the best. Like those, those theories drive. There's got to be some truth behind some of those things. That's what I always say about any kind of like conspiracy or something that can't be explained is there's got to be some truth behind it. It's just like how do we get it out there as like all right guys, well, we figured this out.

Speaker 1:

like yeah like there's a person hanging out here.

Speaker 2:

The Crab Baby Bridge is. Like every city in America, I think has a Crab Baby Bridge story or a tunnel story.

Speaker 1:

Yep the tunnel story Yep.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So what has been your guys's favorite hunt where it was just like, oh, that was the one where you just brought home exactly what you wanted to bring home and you were like, oh, unbelievable. I know you guys have been to Oxford a bunch of times, or the octagon a bunch of times, because I that was like the majority of the footage I saw. That place looks intense.

Speaker 3:

Just saying it is.

Speaker 2:

And that's probably our favorite place, I mean that is by far our favorite place up until the last time. I think I've been there five times or five times, and it's always felt like home and I was like, literally, we have been a week before Christmas and we'll take, like the kids spirits that are there, christmas presents, you know, and all this, like we literally feel like home there and that's that's where we like to investigate. But this last time, was crazy.

Speaker 3:

It wasn't, it was. It was completely different. But I mean, I'll go back there again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we'll go back, but it definitely lost its warm and fuzzy feeling.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it feels like a true home and spot now, does some of your guests like lose their shit though? Like yeah, yeah, that's what I want to know about. To like guests losing their shit is worth the ride Period, yeah, yes.

Speaker 3:

Yes, we had that. When we were at Octagon Hall we had a dad who was he was complete skeptic and he could say that he was very transparent about it. He said you know, he comes in, he's drinking his monster drink and stuff and he brought his 16 year old daughter.

Speaker 2:

Muscle up, tatted up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's like he's just, he's just here because she.

Speaker 1:

I'm a 52.

Speaker 3:

He says he says you know, I'm just here because she wanted to be here. I don't believe in any of this stuff. And then you know we we're doing all the things that we typically do. We had a lot of people there that that not. And by the end of the knots, after so many, so many things had kind of unveiled themselves. If you will, he, he goes to hand me my flashlight back, I mean, and he's shaken. He's like thanks, it was a great time. I was like, oh, I'm glad. He was like, oh, and I'm going to believe, I believe you. I was like, OK, I'm glad, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare the shit out of you. He was like you didn't, but whatever it was that you were talking to did. So thanks for the time. And they were gone, like gone, gone, yeah five star Yelp review.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I always, always worry when they do get scared. You know like, oh, I don't want to scare them too bad. It's not me, I'm not doing it. You know, we're just there, but now everybody's been super, super nuts about it. But that dude scared shitless.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no crazy ones yet, but yeah, no crazy ones, nobody's right.

Speaker 1:

No one passed out, not yet, or ran no Some of that might get sick yeah.

Speaker 2:

I have more than me that night yeah.

Speaker 3:

And the husband of that night. He didn't come back in the house.

Speaker 1:

What do you think it is that makes you feel ill, Because I've heard this from a lot of people that I've talked to about it. Like what? What makes you feel ill about the situation? Is it like a stomach upset or like to me?

Speaker 2:

Like what is it? That's literally the only time it's ever happened to me, man, and it was like I just got hot, it was like heat almost, and I felt like I started sweating and then, yeah, it's just nausea. It's like when you you're a kid and you run too much, but you haven't ran anywhere, it's the same kind of feeling.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of strange. So that is weird because obviously I love sound, I love electric and it's all vibrational in charges, ions, everything moving around, and if you go to these weird spots where you can balance the egg or roll it down backwards or the thing grows in circles, everyone kind of gets that experience there too. So this whole energy thing, can you track them, like moving the energy? So, Located in the spot, or does it keep moving around, or like I want? To know about this sick Like. What do you feel?

Speaker 3:

I mean, I luckily I don't get sick, but I can, like I can feel it coming on, I just don't know where it's going to land, If that makes any sense. I could tell the intensity of when that spirit was in that room that night, Like, but I can't say things like that out loud because number one I don't have. Sometimes I don't even have enough time to say like, oh, no, don't. But that night you can, and you review through the audio and all the footage where it's like no, no, no, no, no, no, sit down, sit down. You know I'm literally telling this thing and I have no idea where it is, but I can tell when it moves in different places. And about the time that it moved back right in directly in front of me, he had to set his camera down and was like I'm out of here.

Speaker 2:

And I was like oh, and for me that night it literally felt like the heat or pressure was like on my neck all the way until I stepped out the front door and I was upstairs, so, like I could feel it was like hot pressure, I don't know how to explain it all the way down the stairs and out the front door and it was like it just fell off immediately, like as soon as I walked through the door it was gone.

Speaker 1:

It's got to be amazing, like that feeling has to be amazing, like I. And can you tell like good or bad, or is everything bad when it's dark and everyone's being creepy?

Speaker 3:

I mean no is there such thing. That's a good question.

Speaker 2:

I think that that I felt was always going to feel bad, like every time that'll be.

Speaker 3:

And yeah, that it'll feel bad for him and and I actually I felt terrible for him and the other two that ended up getting, you know, physically affected later on.

Speaker 3:

But I go on later on that night, you know, because I'm completely amped by the time that we leave at 6 30 in the morning, you know I'm just like, oh, can I go? This happened. But I go on later to explain to him like I don't think that this spirit knew exactly how much strength she had and so I tried to like make excuses for him for basically, you know, because I was like I don't think she meant to hurt you or make me, meant to make you feel bad. But yeah, I can, I can tell when it's good or bad. And if it's bad, you know, I, I just know and I won't let anyone around you know like I can, I can tell, and I've proven that a couple of times, where it's like Nope, you or you, you cannot go in this room. And if they and they've done it before and they've gone on in there anyway and it they've had a negative effect from it, yeah for sure.

Speaker 1:

I love. I love to break down those, the like simple things Is there good and bad? Is there spiritual? Or their scientists Like is it's got to be a combination of all the stuff? But, like a lot of people talk about like residual energy, like if they go to a battlefield and they're doing experiences there. That's things that just happen over and over repeatedly through the energy that was left there or whatever.

Speaker 1:

But when you're talking about these spirits that are actually interacting and there's like almost intelligent interacting, or your, your meters are reading the same as the medium is, like I don't even know how to explain it. But those simple questions is it good or bad? Like how do you know? And if, if it's like there all the time or if it's there because of you, like you said, going to give the Christmas presents to the kids, like you guys have been there so many times that like now you're, you're, you are family. You are because probably nobody else takes time to speak to this dimension or whatever you guys are experiencing there, so you are family. So every time you go back, does it get better? But you said this time it was weird and this lady came on really strong, like this was a completely different.

Speaker 3:

This was a completely different person.

Speaker 2:

The familiar, like you know, entities or whatever they are that were normally communicate with none of them. We didn't film any of them, we couldn't talk to any of them, they didn't answer questions the way they normally always answer the same questions.

Speaker 3:

It was just like, like he said, the warm and fuzzy feeling.

Speaker 2:

it was just gone and I didn't even want to go to the fucking basement to get the cameras, and this is a place that you know we're not. We're not scared to go there, and I'm not somebody that's scared to go somewhere alone in the dark or whatever, but, dude, I didn't even want to go at the end of the night and get the fucking cameras out of the basement by myself.

Speaker 3:

And then they go with them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, how that's? That's so weird to define, though. It's like you guys were comfortable. You're like, oh, we'll do another hunt here and they'll answer the same questions and we'll be able to do the same thing, and then, one time you go, there's like something stronger that blocks out all those other things from you being able to communicate. Like that has to be scary. Like you guys had to talk about that after you guys got home. Like hang on, why couldn't we talk to so and so why didn't we see this? Like, what do you think causes those things? Do you have any like theory on what causes the stuff? Just like to pop up.

Speaker 1:

Like is it bad, people doing bad things, like bad energy, people drawing them in Like how do these people, how do they show up?

Speaker 3:

Yes, that is a theory, they're there.

Speaker 2:

That's what we think happened there.

Speaker 3:

I think that's a possibility of what happened there. You know, there are a lot of people that come to investigate this place and there's a lot of people that have enough energy and they, you know they use it for bad. And when I say bad, I mean they use it for like. I mean I want to say is like it's a manipulation of this energy. You know you've got an entity that wants to communicate and I don't know they. It's like dragging something out that you shouldn't do. That, you know, like, if it's a bad energy, let it be, let it lay dormant, like it's supposed to. You can bring it out.

Speaker 3:

And that, I do feel like, is probably what happened there. And that energy that was brought out was so intense that family that was there for as long as that octagon hall has been there is no longer there. I think it was powerful enough that it like almost forced that family the one we're bringing Christmas presents to and we talked to, you know, we can depend on and I say depend on because, like, yeah, we do feel like family there. I feel like that energy that's there now is so intense that it forced them to cross over or go elsewhere. That energy was brought there, just like you know, and now it's there. Now it's stuck there, so it does without saying provocation.

Speaker 1:

provoking, I mean, if you guys are going to a new spot here really soon, would you do any provoking to see if anything happens? Or is that like an ethical thing that people don't do?

Speaker 3:

Like I don't think, I think people do it. Yeah they do.

Speaker 2:

I don't think there's any professionals, like you know, in the ghost hunter community. So I don't think one scenario or one theory is the right theory. But we, personally we don't do Ouija boards, we don't do any kind of provoking. You know, anything we do is like a positive light. We don't want to add to anything. If there is anything negative there, you know, we don't want to add to it.

Speaker 3:

So that's how we would like to be welcomed, if it's possible. You know, because there's. If there's something that doesn't want us there, it may affect our guests, you know, and it may affect us too, and that's that's a risk that you kind of run with doing this.

Speaker 1:

But so for you guys like Do you guys talk to a lot of other paranormal people or hunters or anything to get information and how to use stuff and what they found?

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, we compare. You know, like I see people that have like different devices and I like the lights too, because I mean maybe I guess because I'm constantly here all the time so audio equipment is great, but I like lights. You know I'm kind of like a little kid there, but yeah, we talk to people all the time that I'm like, oh, where did you get that? You know kind of see, what did you use it for? And I see a lot of people being really creative when they're when they're doing their investigations, because I mean you can try anything. Literally nobody's wrong when they're going to try something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like 80% of shit in our bag is something that other people use, you know, so we've got a lot of stuff.

Speaker 1:

That's not cheap either. It's not cheap, no, and it's not easy to find, like you guys, seriously, for a part time thing. If I was as in tuned as you guys was, I would be like I'm quitting everything and just I got a proof, I got it Like. I think that's like just part of being a human is like you got to prove your point Like, and if you have to take time away from it, you're like Dang, I got to work this nine to five shit.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like there's all, like who's going to kill all these people and call a duty if I don't jump on it? It's that kind of thing, like you just want to keep pursuing it until you prove yourself that you could prove to everybody else hey, this thing's fucking for real. Here's the million dollar question. Have you ever seen something or captured something that you've seen and you were like, oh shit, that really manifested.

Speaker 2:

We haven't caught like visual video evidence of anything really manifesting, but mostly personal experiences. I mean, you know that's a hard thing to say but you can't capture it all. You know that's usually out of all the people there there's one dude toting the camera and that's me generally. So she's kind of leaving the investigation and I'm just filming, when I can film Tons of like personal experiences from you know that's all here in the same thing or the same thing happening and everybody witnessing it, you know. So that's what most of our stuff is.

Speaker 1:

It's just so insane that every episode of every ghost show ever you can turn on and see an apparition, you could see an orb, you can see EMS moving or EVPs. I just wish they were a little bit more truthful about it and it wasn't like entertainment at some point, because there is a science to this. Too many people have had these personal experiences that they can't catch on camera or can't catch EVPs and they're like discrediting them for having that. So it's like hold on, we gotta be scientific about it. It can't be like this entertainment thing all the time, you know.

Speaker 1:

So I literally have ghost hunting books. I have friends that do a podcast called Blurry Creatures and it started off as two Christian kids doing a podcast about Bigfoot's and sightings and stuff like that and now it's turned into just about everything else. Like there is a community of people out there that wanna tell their story and they should be taken fucking seriously, like serious. I don't think these people are making it up because the shit is like you can capture things with the equipment you have and you're now writing down things before they even fucking happen. Like there's no way to discredit that.

Speaker 2:

Like yeah, we may not have full body apparitions on film, but we've had so many. When I say a personal experience, it's like you know, come upstairs and talk to us. We can all be upstairs at Wheatlands Plantation and then we have these string lights going all the way up that are motion activated. They're like they're called a trip wire and it's a ghost hunting tool that you buy but they would light up all the way up the stairs and we would ask for it On command multiple times. She's like she literally made a whole notebook. We've got some investigators we bring along with us on a lot of investigations. They're like house caretakers, basically a Volta Fitzburg hospital, and one of them's a sheriff's deputy, one of them's a nurse. So they're like super truthful by the fact people and him and her sat down and worked on a whole elaborate like history of this Wheatlands Plantation and they were using the spirit box to like fill in the blanks.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I did the whole family tree prior to going and because I wanted to. I'd never heard of this place before and so I was just trying to get a little bit different and it's not investigated a lot. But at the same time I was, I don't know, I was just kind of drawn to, I wanna know what happened here and just so that I can be prepared and be respectful, and by doing that I laid out this whole, I did their like family tree basically, and but I had some blanks that just I couldn't look in those things up in ancestrycom or whatever and that's not the one I use, but like just trying to do my own research. I had some holes and me and the other guy, the officer he's talking about, we did a spirit box and a mag light session and they were both.

Speaker 3:

I was like, okay, speak to this one if your answer is yes, or turn the light on if your answer is no. So that way I could tell and it was spot on, and I was asking things that there was only that could only be the answer. And so, and it's all the way across the room like I can't manipulate this at all and it took like an hour and 10 minutes but we were able to fill in those blanks and it was incredible, it was so super cool.

Speaker 1:

That success, like when you do something like that, whether you capture something scientifically or through questioning, that feels like success. You like look at each other and go there it was.

Speaker 3:

Yes, we did multiple times.

Speaker 1:

Do you guys still get that weird fear though, like when the answers are correct, like your hair stands up?

Speaker 3:

I get excited.

Speaker 2:

A little bit. I mean, yeah, for sure a little bit.

Speaker 3:

I get excited. I like the confirmation to know that I'm using two different tools. I'm using a research tool, technology wise, and then I'm using my own senses and adding them together. So I get excited if the answer is right, because then also I'm also connecting with that spirit to at the same time, they know that I'm serious about their history and just trying to communicate and be respectful, and usually that's about the time when they start opening up even more.

Speaker 3:

I mean, that's exactly what happened at Wheatlands, like they were, but they were ready to tell us all kinds of stuff then and all of our equipment was.

Speaker 2:

It's almost like if you can ever almost I don't know can just connect, like she says, if you can ever connect with them, then it's like nonstop. Like they get excited too yeah it's seriously like they get excited too.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure they do. Someone's finally talking to them. Yeah, and not asking Someone's finally talking, not asking the same question.

Speaker 3:

Over and over. You know, I feel like they can they get tired of it.

Speaker 1:

It's like they lost the book of the dead. Remember that in BLD they lost the book of the dead and they didn't know how to haunt people.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Sandworms hate them. So two questions Like you guys are definitely moving forward, I'm gonna post. If you send me stuff, I'm gonna post it and edit this video and throw in clips and stuff that people can look around at, because I want it to be taken seriously. That EVP that you sent me, that's some really cool stuff and I love that you go through to debunk more than you do it. It was the old stuff Moving forward, basically Ghost Hunts, usa, correct.

Speaker 2:

Ghost Hunt Nation. Ghost Hunt Nation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is how people can contact you. You guys got a team of people that work over there, but obviously you guys are the head of it. They can schedule Ghost Hunts with you, they can ask you questions. Whatever the case may be, I want to have you back on with some more video evidence and go through some stuff that, like you said here I wrote this name down here we were having intelligent conversations with lights and things reacting. People need to see that stuff. That's the only way that this is going to be legitimized is like you use your science and I'm going to go ahead and be that dude. I hope that Dead Files is real. As far as like a ghost type thing. I love the idea of having a medium and the investigator, the FBI guy, the ex cop go in and do this stuff. Before that. I hope that show is real, because I see that in you guys. That's what it reminds me of. It's like she tells you one thing and you're like let's check that out real quick.

Speaker 2:

Seriously and it sounds funny, but I've never been a huge believer in mediums. I just never have. I didn't believe it. She's turned me around. My own wife that I've been married to for 20 years has turned me completely around on it. Yes, you made me a believer.

Speaker 1:

Sure. So what would you tell someone who wanted to get into this? What piece of gear or where would you direct them to get into something like this if they wanted to do it?

Speaker 2:

Honestly, just go to a public hunt Not even maybe with us, but a bigger one just to get your feet wet. Yeah, like a free roam. A lot of places do stuff like that. It's really cheap. It's like 50 bucks and you can at least go and explore an abandoned building at night and learn some history. You don't need a thousand dollar camera and thousand dollars worth of equipment. Like you said, people have been doing this forever with candles. All you need is like how you feel and a flashlight. That's it. That's really how you name it. Yeah, it doesn't be open-minded.

Speaker 1:

I'm definitely going to have you guys back on, because I think you made me think of more questions than I would ever think of. I think our audience will find this super interesting. Thank you for being with us.

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